1:16 US MaxxPro MRAP

   Navistar's MaxxPro is a mine-resistant ambush protected (MRAP) armoured fighting vehicle. Designed to endure improvised explosive device (IED) attacks and ambushes, MaxxPro can withstand ballistic arms fire and mine blasts. Navistar has delivered more than 9,000 MaxxPro vehicles.

   The MaxxPro vehicle incorporates the design of a crew capsule with a V-shaped hull, which is mounted on the Navistar International model 7000 chassis. The purpose of the V-hull is to deflect the blast of either a land mine or an IED away from the vehicle. The incorporation of such a design has enabled MaxxPro to survive a 7kg (15lb) land mine blast without any injuries.

   The vehicle can use standardised and readily available parts to ensure rapid repair and maintenance. The armoured body of the vehicle is bolted together and not welded, which facilitates on-field repairs.

  • Kód produktu: TR00931
  • EAN kód: 8591111514644
  • Výrobce: Trumpeter
3 159
2 611 Kč bez DPH

   Navistar's MaxxPro is a mine-resistant ambush protected (MRAP) armoured fighting vehicle. Designed to endure improvised explosive device (IED) attacks and ambushes, MaxxPro can withstand ballistic arms fire and mine blasts. Navistar has delivered more than 9,000 MaxxPro vehicles.

   The MaxxPro vehicle incorporates the design of a crew capsule with a V-shaped hull, which is mounted on the Navistar International model 7000 chassis. The purpose of the V-hull is to deflect the blast of either a land mine or an IED away from the vehicle. The incorporation of such a design has enabled MaxxPro to survive a 7kg (15lb) land mine blast without any injuries.

   The vehicle can use standardised and readily available parts to ensure rapid repair and maintenance. The armoured body of the vehicle is bolted together and not welded, which facilitates on-field repairs.

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